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Case summaries

Subject Month / Year Outcome
Insufficient enquiries made C applied for a crisis grant as they said they had no funds for their immediate living costs. March 2023 Upheld
Meeting the need C asked for an independent review of the council’s decision. February 2023 Not upheld
Meeting the need C asked for an independent review of the council's decision. February 2023 Upheld
Meeting the need C requested an independent review of the council's decision about their crisis grant application. February 2023 Upheld
Exceptional circumstances for crisis grants C asked for an independent review of the council's decision. January 2023 Not upheld
Calculation of award C asked for an independent review of the council's decision. January 2023 Not upheld
Inconsistencies/ Reason to doubt C requested an independent review of the council's decision on a crisis grant application. December 2022 Upheld
Change of circumstances within 28 days C requested an independent review of the council's decision on their crisis grant application. December 2022 Not upheld
Travel expenses/ funeral costs C requested an independent review of the council's decision on their crisis grant application. December 2022 Not upheld
Decision making with limited information C asked for an independent review of the council's decision. November 2022 Upheld