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Case study

  • Date:
    July 2024
  • Category:
    Insufficient enquiries made


C applied for a white goods, carpets and removal costs for their new tenancy. The council declined the application, stating that C's circumstances did not match any of the five qualifying criteria for a grant. C asked we review this. 

We looked at the council's file and spoke with C. C told us more about health issues they had mentioned on their application form and about the domestic abuse they had experienced. They said this contributed to their mental wellbeing and desire to move. 

The outcome of our review was that C qualified for a grant because this information demonstrated exceptional pressure. We changed the council's decision and instructed them to award all of the items asked for, as they met the 'high' priority rating. We reminded the council to contact applicants for additional information where they identify gaps in what they hold.

Updated: July 21, 2024