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Case study

  • Date:
    June 2018
  • Category:
    First tier/ new application


Mr C applied for a crisis grant for living expenses. He was in crisis because his tax credits and child benefit had been suspended after his ex-partner claimed that his children were not resident with him full time.

The council awarded Mr C a payment of £267.60. However, he approached the council two weeks later asking for additional support. In the interim period, Mr C, who worked part time, had received a salary payment but spent this on rent, a payment to a trust deed and bills. He was therefore in crisis again after receiving and spending this money. HMRC had advised that his appeal may not be concluded for several more weeks. The council did not make a further award for support and declined the first tier review request.
Mr C applied to SPSO for an independent review of the council’s decision. We considered that he had entered a new period of crisis after receiving his salary payment, but needing to spend this on bills and debts. We considered that this was a relevant change in circumstances, and as per section 9.14 of the guidance, a new application should have been recorded and a new decision issued. We proceeded to make a decision on what we assessed should have been taken as a new application to ensure q quick outcome for Mr C.  We assessed that an award of £443.67 was appropriate to cover his and his children’s needs for a period of 23 days until his next salary payment. We provided feedback to the council about the importance of ensuring that an applicant's circumstances were fully explored prior to assessing the likely most successful route: review or new application.

Updated: July 17, 2019