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Case study

  • Date:
    May 2018
  • Category:
    Low income


Mr C applied for a community care grant for a single bed and a waterproof mattress. He had a number of chronic physical health issues and was in receipt of the care and mobility components of Disability Living Allowance (DLA). His family had recently discovered that the applicant had developed incontinence, which had resulted in his existing bed and mattress becoming soiled and damaged. The applicant's had been awarded his previous bed and mattress as a community care grant 18 months earlier.
The Council assessed that the applicant’s previous award of a mattress meant that he was now not eligible for the award of similar items. Their first tier decision letter questioned why the applicant, who had requested a double bed in 2016 is now applying for a single bed. There was also the suggestion that the applicant did not meet the low income requirement.
Mr C asked SPSO for an independent review. We requested the council’s case file and spoke with Mr C for further information. Mr C explained that when he had applied for a double bed and mattress in 2016, the intention had been to prevent him falling out of bed during the night, and because he found it difficult to get up due to his mobility issues. However, over the course of the year and a half since that award it has become apparent to the applicant’s family that he suffered from incontinence. This issue had been kept hidden due to embarrassment and was discovered only after the bed had been significantly damaged. Additionally, the applicant explained that his bed has been moved into the corner of the room to prevent him from being able to fall out as easily, making a single bed an option again. Firstly, we assessed that he did meet the low income requirement, as per section sections 8.24 and 8.25 of the Guidance: he was in receipt of housing benefit, and despite having a small occupational pension he also had an underlying entitlement to State Pension Credit. We also considered that a reasonable explanation had been provided regarding the need for the bed, meaning that the previous award did not exclude these items as an on-going expense.  We assessed that the applicant met the qualifying criteria of an individual facing exceptional pressure and that the items met the necessary high priority level. We therefore instructed the council to be award a single bed and waterproof mattress.

Updated: July 17, 2019