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Case study

  • Date:
    May 2017
  • Category:
    Change of circumstances within 28 days


Miss C applied for a crisis grant for living expenses. She explained that her Child Tax Credits (CTC) had been stopped and she had to submit a new claim and provide further evidence to HMRC. She was waiting on this being processed. Miss C advised she is a single parent with four young children and had no money for food, gas, electricity and essential living costs.
On receiving the request for review the council considered Miss C was not eligible for a crisis grant because she had received four awards within a 12 month period. The council assessed this was the maximum amount and as a result, the council refused Miss C’s application for a crisis grant at both original and first tier.

Miss C asked us for an independent review of the council's decision. We considered the facts and circumstances of this application. This included information provided by Miss C and details of the decision making process provided by the council. We considered Miss C’s application to the fund was within 28 days and there had not been a change in circumstances (6.1 of SWF guidance) therefore she was not eligible for an award. Miss C had also received four awards in the past 12 months and three of these awards were specifically in relation to issues with tax credits. We did not change the council's decision.

Updated: July 17, 2019