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Case summaries

Subject Month / Year Outcome
Exceptional pressure qualifying criterion Ms C applied for a community care grant for a replacement bed and sofa, carpets for her living room, window blinds, clothing and redecorating costs March 2019 Upheld
Common medical conditions with respect to priority Mr C, a housing officer, applied for a community care grant on behalf of his client, Ms A March 2019 Upheld
Priority hall carpets Ms C requested an independent review of the council's decision on her community care grant application March 2019 Upheld
Low income Mr C applied for a crisis grant as he had repaid gambling debts February 2019 Not upheld
Resident within the local authority area Mr C applied for a crisis grant for living costs February 2019 Upheld
When applicants incur detriment sourcing items themselves Ms C applied had obtained a larger tenancy due to overcrowding issues February 2019 Upheld
Exceptional circumstances for crisis grants Miss C applied for a crisis grant for living expenses after spending her Universal Credit (UC) payment repaying money she had borrowed from a friend January 2019 Upheld
Exceptional pressure qualifying criterion Mr C applied for a community care grant after moving home November 2018 Not upheld
First tier/ new application Mr C, a welfare rights officer, applied for a crisis grant for food and living expenses on behalf of Mr A November 2018 Upheld
Resident within the local authority area Mrs C applied for a crisis grant as her landlord had sold her property which meant she had to secure another tenancy November 2018 Upheld