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Case study

  • Date:
    August 2024
  • Category:
    Exceptional pressure qualifying criterion


C asked us to review the council's decision. They had applied for a community care grant because their washing machine broke down, and they were unable to replace it. 
The council declined C’s initial application as C did not meet any of the qualifying criteria. This was linked to the applicant’s situation not being new and because the council assessed that C was not at risk of being able to sustain their tenancy without a washing machine. C requested a first-tier review of the decision, but the council did not change their decision.
We spoke with C for further information about their circumstances. C explained that they have ongoing health issues which had been ongoing for several years but had deteriorated recently. Their health issues were directly affected by the lack of a washing machine due to continence issues. In addition to this, C’s child was a young carer for C and their teacher had written a letter of support. The teacher’s letter outlined the detrimental impact on them without a washing machine, including the risk of bullying due to dirty clothes. 

Overall we disagreed with the council’s decision as we considered C met the qualifying criteria linked to exceptional pressure. We provided feedback to the council that they should have made additional enquiries to make a robust assessment.  

Updated: August 20, 2024