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Case study

  • Date:
    December 2023
  • Category:
    Exceptional pressure qualifying criterion


C asked for an independent review of the council’s decision. They had applied for a community care grant for a number of household items. In their application, they explained that they had broken their leg in two places, and that this injury required them to undergo several operations and have pins and plates fitted. C advised that they were reliant on family members for support with daily tasks, and using aids and adaptations for mobility.

The council assessed that the application did not meet any of the qualifying conditions. They stated that C was not receiving health benefits, and would be aware that they would need to replace household goods over time. C requested a first tier review of the decision but the council did not change their original decision. They reiterated that C did not meet the qualifying conditions for a grant.

We reviewed the council’s case file and contacted C for further information. C advised that their hall and kitchen flooring had been damaged due to using a chair with wheels to move around the property. They provided photos to verify the condition of the flooring. They advised that they had requested a fridge freezer, sofa and single mattress as these items were in poor condition.

Based on the information available, we assessed that C met the qualifying criteria regarding facing exceptional pressure. We assessed that the council had incorrectly interpreted the available information available to them and instructed them to award the items that met the necessary priority level. We provided feedback to the council that both decisions were issued outwith timescales, and that the decision letters were not personalised.

Updated: December 19, 2023