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Case study

  • Date:
    January 2022
  • Category:
    Self-Isolation Support Grant


C applied for a Self-Isolation Support Grant via the Scottish Welfare Fund administered by their local council. C stated that they had been required to self-isolate and could not work, suffering reduced earnings as a result.

The council rejected the application at both stages of the process as they deemed C to not be in receipt of a low income.

We corresponded with C by email during the review process. C met all of the eligibility criteria except the low income criterion. C explained that the payslip in the relevant period was not a true reflection of their wages due to overtime, but we explained that it was earnings and could not be ignored. C was over the Real Living Wage threshold and when combined with their spouse's pay, their income was also over the relevant net household income threshold. Therefore, we did not change the council's decision. We provided the council with feedback in relation to not assessing C's net income at initial decision stage, and for using an out-of-date Real Living Wage threshold figure at first tier review stage. We also gave a finding regarding Self-Isolation Support timescales at the initial decision stage.

Updated: January 19, 2022