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Case study

  • Date:
    October 2021
  • Category:
    Self-Isolation Support Grant


C applied for a Self-Isolation Support Grant via the Scottish Welfare Fund administered by their local council. C had been required to self-isolate via the Test and Protect service. C was unable to work from home and therefore experienced a reduction in their income as they were only paid Statutory Sick Pay (SSP).

The council refused the application initially as C did not provide evidence that they had experienced a loss of income. The council also checked HMRC records which confirmed this. C requested a first tier review and provided a pay slip which confirmed that they were paid SSP and, therefore, had experienced a reduction in income. At first tier review the council checked with HMRC who noted that their records had been amended and C had experienced a reduced income. Despite this, the council did not change the decision on the basis that they said that C was employed by a family member and they deemed that the payslip had been changed.

C submitted an independent review request. We requested the council's file and contacted the applicant for further information. C provided a pay slip confirming they only received SSP during their period of self-isolation. We were satisfied that, in line with section 11.25 of the SWF guidance, this was sufficient and that C had experienced a reduction in their income. We deemed there were no inconsistences in what C told us and had no reason not to take this information at face value. We deemed that C met all of the remaining eligibility criteria and so changed the council’s decision. We provided feedback that the council had incorrectly assessed the available information.

Updated: October 18, 2021