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Case study

  • Date:
    March 2025
  • Category:
    Exceptional pressure qualifying criterion


C applied for a community care grant to set up their tenancy following a period of homelessness as a refugee. 

The council initially declined the application on the basis that the items C requested did not meet the necessary priority level to be awarded. Following the first-tier review, the council changed their reasoning for declining the application. They said that C did not meet the qualifying criteria. 

We reviewed the council's file and spoke with C. They explained that they had been living an unsettled way of life prior to being awarded their tenancy. They are a young refugee with no family links or support in the area. They suffer from social isolation and depression. On this basis, we were satisfied that the exceptional pressure criterion was satisfied. We assessed that C qualified for a grant and met the necessary priority for an award to be made. 


  • Award a living room carpet and a bedroom carpet. 

Feedback for the council

  • The council did not make sufficient follow-up enquiries based on the information provided on the application about the applicant’s circumstances.
  • The original decision was issued later than the timescales set out in the guidance.

We have asked the organisation to provide us with confirmation that the award was made within one week.

Updated: March 20, 2025