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2018-19 Statistics

In 2018-19, 1,567 people contacted our Scottish Welfare Fund (SWF) team.  This is a 34% increase on 2017-18, largely accounted for by signposting enquiries which rose from 424 in 2017-18 to 762 in 2018-19.

We handled 287 community care grant reviews and 513 crisis grant reviews, a total of 800.

The overall average uphold rate for crisis grant applications was 32%.

The overall average uphold rate for community care grant reviews was 51%.

Detailed information about the enquiries and reviews we handled over the course of the year is provided below:

The Ombudsman sends some authorities an annual letter about their review numbers.

Ombudsman's Local Authority letter October 2019 (PDF 248KB)

Statistics by council 2018-19

Updated: January 26, 2024